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Welcome 2 Ms. Baugher's Class!
Welcome! The purpose of this website is to make it easier for all to keep updated on what assignments, news, and class activities that will be happening throughtout the year!
Ms. Baugher's Second Grade
August Birthday's
Harry Styles
Abigale Gilbert
Alec Baugher in
School Supplies List
1. 2 Composision Notebooks
2. Pencils, Cayrons, Markers
3. At least 1 box of tissues
4. Pack of Expo Markers
5. Wide Ruled Paper
School's Misson Statement
Live Together
Learn Together
Lead Together
Classroom Schedule
Monday - Art Class
Tuesday - Music Class
Thursday - Library Time
Friday - Go outside!
10:30 am - 11:30 pm
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
9:30 am - 10:30 am
End of the day!
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